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Dirty and Rowdy Success Story

Dirty & Rowdy

The Golden Goods + Dirty & Rowdy partnership stemmed from a need in the market: though Dirty & Rowdy started making wines in 2010, they wouldn’t be able to start selling them until the fall of 2012. (Hey, great wine takes time!)

In the meantime, Dirty & Rowdy still had a rabid anticipation and demand from their customers. Since they didn’t have finished wine to deliver, they knew they had to give their customers something during the long wait. In December 2011, Dirty & Rowdy Family Winery decided the best thing they could do was produce t-shirts with their label designs on them. This would give people something they could touch and feel, as well as a way for them to become walking brand ambassadors.

Dirty and Rowdy Custom Printed T-Shirt

“Golden Goods has been with us since the beginning of our company.I vividly and emotionally remember packing those first Golden Goods shirts with my wife on our living room floor in our sketchy cabin in Calistoga, thinking ‘This is the start.’

7 years and 8 sold out t-shirt designs later, we continue to find incredible value in working with Golden Goods.”

-Hardy Wallace, Dirty & Rowdy Family Winery

Since these shirts were going to be the very first thing Dirty & Rowdy’s customers would touch, they needed to be of the absolute highest quality, and totally over-deliver on expectations. Enter Golden Goods USA, with the first rounds of shirts to launch the Dirty & Rowdy brand.

Dirty and Rowdy Custom T-shirt
“Loving my just-delivered t-shirt, and can’t wait to get my first shipment of Mourvedre!”

-Julie, Silicon Valley Wine List

The Golden Effect

“Golden Goods gives us a way to greatly extend our marketing reach for essentially nothing,” says co-founder Hardy Wallace. “All we have to do is cover the costs of the shirts, tax and shipping.” Social media feedback on the shirts has helped drive business for this winery as it rapidly expands to new vineyards and new wine lovers.

Every year or so, Golden Goods USA and Dirty & Rowdy collaborate on a new t-shirt design that gets put up for sale at Since that very first project, these designs have made their way around the country, gathering up Instagram likes and spreading the word about this passionate, honest-hearted wine company. With custom colors developed specifically for the Dirty & Rowdy brand and the super-soft feel unique to Golden Goods, these custom winery t-shirts have built a life of their own as unique gifts, vehicles for increased brand awareness, and expanded revenue for Dirty & Rowdy. Cheers to that!

Dirty and Rowdy Custom Branded Merchandise
Dirty and Rowdy Custom Branded Merchandise
Dirty and Rowdy Custom Branded Merchandise

Some of what we made

What we did for

Buena Vista Cafe

Over the years, Golden Goods USA has created over 20 designs for The Buena Vista Cafe, exquisitely printed on t-shirts, hoodies, infant onesies and more. Our designs range from sports-inspired iconography based on local teams, to apparel specifically created for use on the Buena Vista Cafe’s most popular holiday: St. Paddy’s Day.

We get so many compliments on our branded apparel — our gift shop is always busy with customers snapping up the shirts.

– J.M. Owner, Buena Vista Cafe

See the work

Buena Vista Cafe Success Story

Brands that trust in Golden

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